Power to the People: How Crypto’s Rise Mirrors Black Civil Rights History

Deidra Ramsey McIntyre
7 min readFeb 16, 2022
A profile of a Black woman wearing a black t-shirt, and large, thin silver hoop earrings has an afro. She is wearing thin silver colored eyeglasses and has eyes closed while holding a light in her hands near her face. The light from her hands; illuminates her face. Blurred background of multi-colored lights.
Photo by Guilherme Stecanella

The Black Panther Party for Self-Defense coined (pun intended) the phrase “Power to the People” as a rallying call for Black mid-1960s youth to combat racism, police brutality, and to improve Black people’s socio-economics through job training, academic self-study, and providing free health clinics plus, breakfast and lunch programs for school children.



Deidra Ramsey McIntyre

Black People & Cryptocurrency Founder. 1990s Journalist turned dotcomer. One time Brooklyn public high school teacher. Now, Bitcoin believer and blockchainer.