I disagree. Those who want to use it should use it. It is our term. The term is rooted in enslavement era and is exclusively about the history of black people in the Caribbean and in the US under French, British, Dutch, and even Spanish chattel slavery. It is important to note People of Color has brutal roots and cannot just be adopted into other brown people’s causes as something divorced from its history that includes the sale of mixed ancestry Africans. Every time an African American (or Caribbean or South/Central American black person) takes a DNA test and discovers any percentage of European ancestry it is the mark of rape and a reminder of the hell story of that experience. It also is a term of victory. It was the preferred wording of black Abolitionists like Martin Delany and Frederick Douglas. Is was the group term to speak against the enslavement of Africans. All this should be a reminder to everyone that when we use it; the focal point was about us and our experiences. If some are choosing to expand its meaning, it is Definition 2, not 1. It never replaces Definition 1. People of Color is a euphemism for Black People which in itself is a euphemism for Africans.